Walk Ride Northside Committee
Walk Ride Northside Committee was named 2013 Advocacy Group of the Year by BikePGH!
If you'd like to be notified of upcoming meetings or want to join the Walk Ride Northside Committee, please contact walkridenorthside@gmail.com to be put on the email list.
Who can become a member of Northside Bike/Ped?
Anyone who has an interest in bicyling, walking, running or commutes, can join. Sign up for our mailing list, which will allow you to get newsletters about what is happening around the city and with the committee as well as meeting reminders.
When is a new chair elected and how?
A new chair is elected (or re-elected) every January. Whoever attends the January meeting may vote for the new chair.
Who can become chair of the committee?
In order to run for chair of the committee, the individual must reside on the Northside and have been an active, regularly-attending Bike/Ped Committee member
How does the committee vote on important matters?
A majority vote will be held from those attending that meeting
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