Northside Stories
George Martin at the Allegheny Elks Lodge serves 91 drinks on his 91st birthday!

Photo: Jake Mysliwczyk
Check out the full article in the Pittsburgh Current here.
WATCH Jeremy Raymer paint Deutschtown’s newest mural here!

Dj Devine from Banjo Night
Banjo Night is a Pittsburgh tradition, every Wednesday night at the Elks Lodge #339 on the Northside you can find a wide variety of people enjoying the eclectic Banjo Night tunes. Here is a clip of the late, great D J Devine (not the greatest video or sound quality but you’ll get a sense of what you missed from past Banjo nights).
Mr. Rogers Flashlight Show
On Mr. Roger's television show he had an episode that showed how flashlights were made. The flashlight factory that they visited was on Hipwell on West North Ave. The stamping machine was called, "The Whump Whump Machine" because it made that noise with each part it stamped out. It is no longer on West North Ave anymore. See Mr. Rogers flashlight show by watching this video.

A Pittsburgh History: 1927 Gas Tank Explosion
Learn more about the history of Pittsburgh by checking out this short Youtube clip on the 1927 Gas Tank Explosion.

USS Pittsburgh arriving on the Island of Crete
USS Pittsburgh at the Carneigie Science Center
The USS Requin Base of the United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. sponsor the USS Pittsburgh SSN-720. They asked if they could be provided with Terrible Towels to wave when they entered port. The Base Commander Huey Dietrich arranged to have 100 towels donated to the ship by the towel manufacturer Little Earth Productions. The towels were shipped to Scotland to meet the boat when she arrived.
To get a deeper understanding of submarine life people may go aboard the USS Requin which is the Navy's first radar picket submarine. Visitors will learn about the USS Requin's long defense and scientific missions. This is an immersive experience at the Carnegie Science Center on the Northside of Pittsburgh. To Learn more click here.