Instagram: @Northsidelc
Northside Counts! is an initative of the Northside Leadership Conference to ensure that every resident in the Northside is counted in the 2020 Census.
Do you know how to fill out the 2020 Census? If not, keep reading! There are 4 ways to fill out the census.
- The first way is online by visiting 2020census.gov and entering the code that was sent through the mail. Then fill out the short questionnaire.
- The second way is to call 1-844-330-2020 and answer the questions over the phone.
- The third way is to fill out the paper questionnaire that is sent to your home if you do not fill it out online.
- The last way is through the Census Takers who visit your home or community events.
If you have any questions feel free to visit becounted2020.org.
Let’s make sure everyone in the Northside is counted.

Please note that we are NOT U.S. Census Bureau Employees. We are a resource for the community to help with any questions that residents may have.
If you would like to volunteer with our next event, please fill out this form. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lauren DeDomeninc, AGH Partnership Coordinator, at lauren@pittsburghnorthside.com
Frequently Asked Questions about the Census
Q: Will there be a citizenship question on the Census?
A: No, there is no citizenship question.
Q: Will the questionnaire ask for my social security number?
A: No. It will not ask for your social, citizenship status, or bank account. Do not give this information out. No Census employee will ask for this information.
Q: What kind of information will the Census be asking?
A: The Census will only ask how many people are living in your home, whether the home is owned with or without a mortgage, rented, or occupied with renters, a phone number for a person in the home, the name,age, gender, date of birth, and race of each person in the home, whether each person is Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino, and the relationship of each person in the home.
Q: What if I don’t have internet access to fill out the Census?
A: You will still be counted. You will receive the questionnaire in the mail if you have not filled it out online. If you do not fill it out online or by mail, a Census Bureau employee will visit your home in mid July for an in person questionnaire.
Q: Will anyone else other than the census have access to my information?
A: No, by law, the Census is prohibited from sharing your information with anyone outside of the Bureau.
Q: Why it is important to the Northside?
A: The Census is very important to all communities, specifically the Northside. Census Data is used to provide funding for schools, healthcare, transportation, roads, housing, services for the elderly, and more. By filling out the questionnaire, you are providing data that will greatly improve the Northside. In 2018, over 2,300 children in Allegheny County received free breakfast and lunch during the summer. Initiatives like these are vital for our community.
For general questions or comments email – NorthsideCounts@gmail.com
Program Coordinator – Lauren DeDomenic
Email – lauren@pittsburghnorthside.com
Phone – 412-231-4714 ext. 204
Instagram Feed

Not sure how to fill out the 2020 Census? Keep reading!
The first way is online by visiting 2020census.gov and entering the code that was sent through the mail. Then fill out the short questionnaire.
The second way is to call 1-844-330-2020 and answer the questions over the phone.
The third way is to fill out the paper questionnaire that is sent to your home if you do not fill it out online.
The last way is through the Census Takers who visit your home or community events.
Visit Northside Counts for more information!
#becounted #northsidecounts

This is the first census since gay marriage has been legalized! The 2020 Census allows same sex couples to indicate their marriage if they live with their partner. Everyone counts in the Northside. This will greatly improve the statistics on same-sex couples. Make sure that you are counted by going to 2020census.gov.

Congratulations to all our 2020 graduates! As you look ahead to what comes next, take a moment and make sure you've been counted in the 2020 Census. The results will help shape the next 10 years—and this is a big decade for you! Whether you are continuing your education or joining the workforce, the census data will affect you- so make sure to fill out the 2020 census!

Have you filled out the 2020 Census yet? Everyone counts in the City of Pittsburgh. Make sure you are counted and your voice is heard! Tag a friend in the comment that you can count on and tell us why the census is important to you.

While Pennsylvania and Allegheny County have a higher self response rate to the 2020 Census, the Northside and the City of Pittsburgh have a lower self response rate. Make sure to fill out the 2020 census so the City of Pittsburgh has the highest response rate in Pennsylvania. Brighton Heights currently has the highest self response rate in the Northside! Let’s aim to have the highest response rate in the city. Everyone counts in the Northside.

Why should you fill out the Census? It greatly affects our community right here in the Northside. Each year, census data is used to improve our neighborhood. Through research, we can find educational barriers in our neighborhood, compare them to the national educational barriers and find solutions to improve the education system in our community and make sure every student has an equal opportunity to education. Visit 2020census.gov to fill out the 2020 census! Within the next few weeks, there will be sites in the Northside where you can fill out the 2020 Census. Make sure to keep an eye out for those events!! #becounted #becountedpgh #northsidecounts

From Head Start programs that help get kids ready for elementary school to Pell Grants that make college education more attainable, the census impacts programs throughout our children’s lives.
Be counted for our children.

What matters to you? Schools? Transportation? Hospitals? Data from the Census helps inform planning efforts for the Northside, Pittsburgh and the region. #NorthsideCounts! Fill out the 2020 Census to make sure your needs are heard!
Join the #censuschallenge- here's how
1. Post a picture or video of someone you can count on.
2. Say why the 2020 census is important to you.
3. Tag three others to do the same, and use #censuschallenge #becounted